Viva Rai2!

Viva Rai2! Next Episode Air Date & Time

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7.4/10 IMDb
Viva Rai2!
Viva Rai2!
Viva Rai2!

Viva Rai2!, is , & television series that premiered on December 5, 2022 and set to air on , , . It consists of 2 seasons with 227 episodes.

Between infotainment and variety, a good morning with Fiorello and Biggio. At the center are the news, the events that happened and those that will happen, commented in an ironic and pungent style but always with lightness and good humor. A condensation of moments of variety, with a high rhythm: music, songs, ballets, duets, gags with guests and playmates, a cast in constant evolution that, day after day, will always see new protagonists. Unusual fifths of the show are via Asiago 10 (in the first season) and Foro Italico (in the second season) and the expected glass, a studio with transparent walls.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Viva Rai2! premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
Where can I watch online?
Fiorello isFiorello

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