Tempos Modernos

Tempos Modernos Next Episode Air Date & Time

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8.75/10 IMDb
Tempos Modernos

Tempos Modernos, is , , & television series that premiered on January 11, 2010 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 161 episodes.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Tempos Modernos premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
Fernanda Vasconcellos isCornélia Cordeiro Santos Reis (Nelinha)
Cornélia Cordeiro Santos Reis (Nelinha)
Thiago Rodrigues isJosé Carlos Pimenta Cordeiro (Zeca)
José Carlos Pimenta Cordeiro (Zeca)
Priscila Fantin isNara Nolasco
Nara Nolasco
Danton Mello isRenato Vieira de Mattos
Renato Vieira de Mattos
Antônio Fagundes isLeal Cordeiro
Leal Cordeiro
Eliane Giardini isHélia Pimenta
Hélia Pimenta
Marcos Caruso isOtto Niemann
Otto Niemann
Regiane Alves isGoretti Cordeiro Bodanski (Gô)
Goretti Cordeiro Bodanski (Gô)
Vivianne Pasmanter isRegiane Cordeiro Mourão
Regiane Cordeiro Mourão
Otávio Müller isAltemir Assunção da Paz Bodanski (Bodanski)
Altemir Assunção da Paz Bodanski (Bodanski)

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