Ringo, la pelea de su vida

Ringo, la pelea de su vida Next Episode Air Date & Time

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7.031/10 IMDb
Ringo, la pelea de su vida

Ringo, la pelea de su vida, is television series that premiered on January 23, 2019 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 82 episodes.

Ringo is a young man, who has dedicated his life to boxing, and at the peak of his career he loses the national title upon receiving the news of the death of his brother. From that moment, Ringo decides to retire from boxing. Gloria, his wife, leaves him to go live with El Turco, Ringo’s main rival in the ring. Gloria’s decision leaves Ringo alone in charge of the care of his son Santi. Then, Gloria will return to claim custody of her son, and in that situation, Ringo will have to obtain a job that provides fixed income, to keep custody of his son. He decides to return to boxing with the clear goal to be crowned champion.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Ringo, la pelea de su vida premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
José Ron isJuan José Ramírez Rojas «Ringo»
Juan José Ramírez Rojas «Ringo»
Mariana Torres isJulia Garay
Julia Garay
Jorge Poza isDiego Jáuregui Torreslanda
Diego Jáuregui Torreslanda
César Évora isÓscar «Oso» Villar
Óscar «Oso» Villar
Arturo Carmona isAlejo Correa
Alejo Correa

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