Overcoming heartbreak

Vencer el Desamor Next Episode Air Date & Time

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7.6/10 IMDb
Overcoming heartbreak

Overcoming heartbreak, also known as Vencer el Desamor, is , & television series that premiered on October 12, 2020 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 94 episodes.

Four women of different ages and social strata are forced to live together under the same roof. At first, the coexistence between them is complicated and tense due to their different visions and ways of facing life, but little by little the sisterhood and solidarity prevail when realizing the peculiar bond that exists between them: each one has suffered, in one or otherwise, the absence and abandonment of their respective partners.

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What is the original title of the show?
When did the Overcoming heartbreak premiere?
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How many seasons does the show have?
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Claudia Álvarez isAriadna López
Ariadna López
Paulina Goto isMarcela Durán Bracho
Marcela Durán Bracho
Lourdes Reyes isJosefina Miranda
Josefina Miranda
Daniela Romo isBárbara de Falcón
Bárbara de Falcón
Altaír Jarabo isOlga Collado
Olga Collado
Emmanuel Palomares isGael Falcón
Gael Falcón
David Zepeda isÁlvaro Falcón
Álvaro Falcón
Leonardo Daniel isLino Ferrer
Lino Ferrer

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