O Cravo e a Rosa

O Cravo e a Rosa Next Episode Air Date & Time

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7.5/10 IMDb
O Cravo e a Rosa
O Cravo e a Rosa
O Cravo e a Rosa

O Cravo e a Rosa, is , , & television series that premiered on June 26, 2000 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 221 episodes.

O Cravo e a Rosa is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It ran from June 26, 2000 to March 10, 2001. It is based on the Shakespearean comedy The Taming of the Shrew. It is currently being broadcast in Portugal, on SIC.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the O Cravo e a Rosa premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
Adriana Esteves isCatarina Batista
Catarina Batista
Eduardo Moscovis isJulião Petruchio
Julião Petruchio
Ney Latorraca isCornélio
Drica Moraes isMarcela / Muriel
Marcela / Muriel
Ângelo Antônio isProf. Edmundo
Prof. Edmundo
Luís Melo isNicanor Batista
Nicanor Batista

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