Lombard. Życie pod zastaw

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When does the next episode of Lombard. Życie pod zastaw air? Is the show renewed or cancelled? Where can I find the upcoming air dates for Lombard. Życie pod zastaw?
/10 IMDb
Lombard. Życie pod zastaw

Lombard. Życie pod zastaw, is television series that premiered on September 4, 2017 and set to air on . It consists of 10 seasons with 479 episodes.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Lombard. Życie pod zastaw premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
Agata Szafrańska isMarta Barska
Marta Barska
Mateusz Murański isAdrian “Adek” Barski
Adrian “Adek” Barski
Michał Chorosiński isWiktor Rajczak vel Mariusz
Wiktor Rajczak vel Mariusz
Dominika Skoczylas isAndżelika Zawadzka
Andżelika Zawadzka
Zbigniew Buczkowski isKazimierz Barski
Kazimierz Barski
Jerzy Górski isKarol “Lolek” Stawicki
Karol “Lolek” Stawicki
Henryk Gołębiewski isJózef “Ziutek” Szaniawski
Józef “Ziutek” Szaniawski

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