Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração

Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração Next Episode Air Date & Time

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When does the next episode of Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração air? Is the show renewed or cancelled? Where can I find the upcoming air dates for Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração?
4.1/10 IMDb
Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração
Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração

Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração, is television series that premiered on December 13, 2015 and set to air on , . It consists of 6 seasons with 70 episodes.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Escolinha do Professor Raimundo: Nova Geração premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
Bruno Mazzeo isProfessor Raimundo Nonato
Professor Raimundo Nonato
Mateus Solano isZé Bonitinho
Zé Bonitinho
Lúcio Mauro Filho isAldemar Vigário
Aldemar Vigário
Fabiana Karla isDona Cacilda
Dona Cacilda
Betty Gofman isDona Bela
Dona Bela
Marcelo Adnet isRolando Lero
Rolando Lero
Evandro Mesquita isArmando Volta
Armando Volta
Ângelo Antônio isJoselino Barbacena
Joselino Barbacena

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