Doctor Climax

Doctor Climax ปุจฉาพาเสียว Next Episode Air Date & Time

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Doctor Climax

Doctor Climax, also known as Doctor Climax ปุจฉาพาเสียว, is , & television series that will debut on June 13, 2024 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 1 episode.

Doctor Climax takes place in an era where open conversations about sex were a big no-no. Doctor Nat, a dermato-venereologist who once dreamt of writing adventure novels and becoming a published author, ends up as the columnist behind “The Climax Question” — a space for answering questions everyone wants to ask but dare not. From masturbation and premature ejaculation to foreplay, STDs, and more, the column discusses forbidden subjects while keeping the inquirers’ identities anonymous. Through his work on the newspaper column, Doctor Nat grows closer to Linda, the publisher’s art department head. Their budding connection threatens to jeopardize not only the doctor’s marriage with his perfect wife, Tukta, but also his family’s old-money status.

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