After the Rain

恋は雨上がりのように Next Episode Air Date & Time

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After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain
After the Rain

After the Rain, also known as 恋は雨上がりのように, is , , & television series that premiered on January 12, 2018 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 12 episodes.

Akira Tachibana is a soft-spoken high school student who used to be a part of the track and field club but, due to an injury, she is no longer able to run as fast as she once could. Working part-time at a family restaurant as a recourse, she finds herself inexplicably falling love with her manager, a divorced 45-year-old man with a young son.

Despite the age gap, Akira wholeheartedly embraces his mannerisms and kind nature, which is seen as spinelessness by the other employees, and little by little, the two begin to understand each other. Although unable to explain why exactly she is attracted to him, Akira believes that a concrete reason is not needed to truly love someone. On a rainy day, she decides to finally tell her manager about how she feels… but just how will he react?

© Youtube Hosted Official Trailer
Schedule Day:Thursday
Airs on:Japan at 12:55 AM - Official
Original Title:恋は雨上がりのように
First air date:Jan. 12, 2018
No. of seasons:1
No. of episodes:12
Average Duration:23 minutes
on Other sites:TVMAZE | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | IMDb | Rotten Tomatoes | Metacritic
Recent Date: Mar. 30, 2018
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Hiroaki Hirata isMasami Kondou (voice)
Masami Kondou (voice)
Sayumi Watabe isAkira Tachibana (voice)
Akira Tachibana (voice)
Emi Miyajima isHaruka Kiyan (voice)
Haruka Kiyan (voice)
Haruka Fukuhara isYui Nishida (voice)
Yui Nishida (voice)
Junko Takeuchi isYuuto Okajima (voice)
Yuuto Okajima (voice)
Junya Ikeda isTakashi Yoshizawa (voice)
Takashi Yoshizawa (voice)
Masahito Yabe isOotsuka (voice)
Ootsuka (voice)
Mika Kanai isKayoko Kubo (voice)
Kayoko Kubo (voice)
Mitsuru Miyamoto isChihiro Kujou (voice)
Chihiro Kujou (voice)
Tomoaki Maeno isRyousuke Kase (voice)
Ryousuke Kase (voice)

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