Shangri-La Frontier, originally titled "シャングリラ・フロンティア", is a Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, & Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV series, which premiered on October 1, 2023, available to stream on atv, Broadcasting System of San-in, BSN, CBC, HBC, Hokuriku Broadcasting, i-Television, IBC Iwate Broadcasting, MBC South Japan Broadcasting, MBS, MRT Miyazaki Broadcasting, Nagasaki Broadcasting Company, Oita Broadcasting System, RCC, RKB, RKK Kumamoto Broadcasting, RSK, Ryukyu Broadcasting, SBC, SBS TV, TBS, Tohoku Broadcasting, Tulip Television, TV Kochi Broadcasting, TV Yamanashi, TV-U Fukushima, TV-U Yamagata, tys. It consists of 1 season, with 25 episodes.
Rakuro Hizutome is what is known as a “shit game hunter”, a gamer whose main occupation is to find and completely complete the worst video games in existence. After completing a dung with a particularly high difficulty, Hizutome lets himself be tempted by Shangri-La Frontier, the VRMMO of the moment, which already has nearly 30 million subscribers! But what he doesn’t know is that this game hides many secrets, and that even an expert like him, who has already overcome the most difficult games, could well find himself helpless in the face of what awaits him. ! Under his usual pseudonym: Sunraku, Hizutome begins an adventure that promises to be very different from what he is used to…