American Primeval

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/10 IMDb

American Primeval, is television series and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 6 episodes.

An exploration of the birth of the American West. Follow the “violent” collisions of cultures, religions and communities as men and women fight and die for control of this new world – for a land they truly believe is their destiny.

Status:In Development
Original Title:American Primeval
No. of seasons:1
No. of episodes:6
on Other sites:TVMAZE | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | IMDb | Rotten Tomatoes | Metacritic
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Tokala Black Elk isBuffalo Run
Buffalo Run
Derek Hinkey isRed Feather
Red Feather
Betty Gilpin isSara Rowell
Sara Rowell
Shea Whigham isJim Bridger
Jim Bridger
Dane DeHaan isJacob Pratt
Jacob Pratt
Jai Courtney isVirgil Cutter
Virgil Cutter

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