Hela Kändis-Sverige Bakar

Hela Kändis-Sverige Bakar Next Episode Air Date & Time

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Hela Kändis-Sverige Bakar

Hela Kändis-Sverige Bakar, is television series that premiered on July 21, 2014 and set to air on , . It consists of 10 seasons with 47 episodes.

Swedish celebrities put their baking skills to the test and bake their best to impress the rock-hard jury for the chance to win SEK 50,000 for charity. Under time pressure, they will bake everything from delicious cookies to magnificent cakes.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Hela Kändis-Sverige Bakar premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
Where can I watch online?
Johan Sörberg isHimself - Judge
Himself - Judge
Elisabeth Johansson isHerself - Judge
Herself - Judge
Christopher Wollter isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Lia Boysen isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Nicole Falciani isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Alexandra Nilsson isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Daniel Norberg isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Louise Nordahl isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant
Shirley Clamp isSelf - Contestant
Self - Contestant

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