The World in Ter Apel

De Wereld in Ter Apel Next Episode Air Date & Time

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The World in Ter Apel

The World in Ter Apel, also known as De Wereld in Ter Apel, is television series that premiered on January 10, 2024. It consists of 1 season with 4 episodes.

What were things like behind the fences of the overcrowded registration center for asylum seekers in Ter Apel in 2023? In the year that the cabinet fell over asylum and the subject of migration had a major influence on the outcome of the House of Representatives elections, documentary makers Hans Hermans and Martin Maat were given exclusive access to a normally carefully shielded world for a year. They filmed how asylum seekers had to sleep on the floor of the IND waiting rooms in Ter Apel. In December, the makers witnessed how the IND management decided, after the visit of the inspectorate, that sleeping in the waiting rooms was no longer allowed. The four-part BNNVARA series offers an unprecedented insight into the heart of the asylum crisis and also shows the conditions on the life-threatening escape routes before refugees apply for asylum in the Netherlands.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the The World in Ter Apel premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
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