My Worst Friend

わたしの一番最悪なともだち Next Episode Air Date & Time

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My Worst Friend
My Worst Friend

My Worst Friend, also known as わたしの一番最悪なともだち, is television series that premiered on August 21, 2023 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 32 episodes.

Hotaru (Makita Aju), a college senior on a job-hunting losing streak, finds her childhood friend Miharu (Takaishi Akari) her nemesis. Miharu responds to disputes in their classroom with a fair argument and overcomes various accidents with her ingenuity, always basking in the dazzling spotlight. Wanting to be like Miharu, Hotaru applies for the employment exam acting a girl someone like Miharu and she passes the first paper screening. Still puzzled by the situation, she continues to lie with a smile for the following interview, and the next, and the next… (Source: TV Japan)

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Aju Makita isHotaru Kasamatsu
Hotaru Kasamatsu
Akari Takaishi isMiharu Kagiya
Miharu Kagiya
Mahiro Takasugi isKento Aizawa
Kento Aizawa
Yuki Kura isShingo Nagano
Shingo Nagano
Mikako Ichikawa isSatomi Azuma
Satomi Azuma
Saaya isSae Sakurai
Sae Sakurai
Rinka Kumada isWakana Joshima
Wakana Joshima
Manami Igashira isHikari Ishikawa
Hikari Ishikawa
Mahiru Konno isJunko Kasamatsu
Junko Kasamatsu
Magi isKenjiro Kasamatsu
Kenjiro Kasamatsu

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