The Great Cleric

聖者無双~サラリーマン、異世界で生き残るために歩む道~ Next Episode Air Date & Time

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6.6/10 IMDb
The Great Cleric
The Great Cleric

The Great Cleric, also known as 聖者無双~サラリーマン、異世界で生き残るために歩む道~, is , & television series that premiered on July 14, 2023 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 12 episodes.

After his untimely death, this salaryman gets another shot at life! When Luciel is reborn into a magical new land, he becomes a healer in hopes of leading a peaceful life. However, he quickly learns that being a healer is much more challenging than he expected. With strict and strenuous training in store, this new life is turning out to be anything but peaceful.

© Youtube Hosted Official Trailer
What is the original title of the show?
When did the The Great Cleric premiere?
When was the last episode of aired?
How many seasons does the show have?
How many episodes are there?
How long is each episode on average?
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Reiji Kawashima isLuciel (voice)
Luciel (voice)
Akio Otsuka isBrod (voice)
Brod (voice)
Tomoaki Maeno isGulgar (voice)
Gulgar (voice)
Daisuke Ono isGalba (voice)
Galba (voice)

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