Pira-Pirasong Paraiso

Pira-Pirasong Paraiso Next Episode Air Date & Time

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6.2/10 IMDb
Pira-Pirasong Paraiso

Pira-Pirasong Paraiso, is television series that premiered on July 25, 2023 and set to air on , . It consists of 3 seasons with 151 episodes.

A con artist takes on the job of pretending to be one of the long-lost sisters of a young and rich woman. As she navigates a world of cunning and lies, she learns about right and wrong, love and family, and spectacular truths about herself.

What is the original title of the show?
When did the Pira-Pirasong Paraiso premiere?
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How many seasons does the show have?
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Loisa Andalio isBaby Abiog-Lamadrid / Amanda
Baby Abiog-Lamadrid / Amanda "Aimee" Paraiso-Lamadrid
Alexa Ilacad isAngela Medina / Belle Paraiso-Lamadrid
Angela Medina / Belle Paraiso-Lamadrid
Charlie Dizon isDiana Paraiso-Lamadrid
Diana Paraiso-Lamadrid
Elisse Joson isHilary Abiog
Hilary Abiog
Ronnie Alonte isJonaf Salvador-Lamadrid
Jonaf Salvador-Lamadrid
KD Estrada isElon Lamadrid
Elon Lamadrid
Joseph Marco isVladimir Lamadrid / Vlad
Vladimir Lamadrid / Vlad
Argel Saycon isBrix Tolentino
Brix Tolentino
Epy Quizon isBadong Abiog
Badong Abiog
Arthur Acuña isJulius Lamadrid
Julius Lamadrid

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