Bir Derdim Var

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9/10 IMDb
Bir Derdim Var

Bir Derdim Var, is , & television series that premiered on November 9, 2023 and set to air on . It consists of 1 season with 6 episodes.

The series tells the story of Dr. Nilüfer Toska, a dedicated psychiatrist with a special talent for helping troubled teens. For Dr. Nilüfer, there are no hopeless cases. Her unique understanding of the adolescent mind keeps her one step ahead of her colleagues. But Dr. Nilüfer’s genius carries a steep price. Despite her success, she is haunted by an awful secret that, if it ever came out, could ruin her career. Dr. Nilüfer’s nemesis is Ömer, an uncompromising prosecutor who believes that the only way to help a juvenile delinquent is to strictly enforce the law. His own troubled adolescence taught Ömer that punishment is the only cure, and Dr. Nilüfer’s gentle approach exasperates him. One case after another puts them on opposite sides of the table, but their shared desire to help these kids – as well as their own troubled pasts – draws them together. Bir Derdim Var explores the balance between logic and emotions in a world where things are seldom black and white.

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Season: 1

Episode: 6

Name: 6. Bölüm

Aired: December 14, 2023

Schedule Day:Thursday
Airs on:Turkey at 08:00 PM - Official
Original Title:Bir Derdim Var
First air date:Nov. 09, 2023
No. of seasons:1
No. of episodes:6
on Other sites:TVMAZE | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | IMDb | Rotten Tomatoes | Metacritic
Recent Date: Dec. 14, 2023
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Birce Akalay isNilüfer Toska
Nilüfer Toska
Mert Fırat isÖmer Atakan
Ömer Atakan
Engin Hepileri isSavaş Dönmez
Savaş Dönmez
Erdem Şenocak isYusuf Eymen
Yusuf Eymen
Neslihan Arslan isDamla Koru
Damla Koru
İdil Sivritepe isİpek Şenay
İpek Şenay

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