My Child is Not My Child, originally titled "Anakku Bukan Anakku", is a Drama, & Soap TV series, which premiered on July 14, 2005, available to stream on RCTI. It consists of 1 season, with 65 episodes.
Bayu, a recently discharged employee at his office, faced a great crisis when his pregnant wife, Rona, was declined from the hospital in a moment of labor. His kindhearted neighbor, Nico, helps him to take care of the money as his wife, Vivian, is going to labor as well. Despite the kindness, Bayu is still at the lowest point of his life and decides to switch his daughter with Nico & Vivian’s daughter so that she can live in a well-off family. Thus, the journey of Tatia and Adel begins as they were switched at birth yet always crossed paths and near their real parents.