Happy Together, originally titled "Счастливы вместе", is a Comedy, Drama, & Family TV series, which premiered on March 8, 2006, available to stream on TNT. It consists of 6 seasons, with 364 episodes.
The ordinary life of an ordinary family from the province: a couple, 2 children, a dog and neighbors. Dasha is a housewife who loves to watch TV shows and go shopping. Her husband, Gena, is a shoe store manager, likes to hang around in the garage and watch football with friends. Their daughter Sveta is a student of high school, changes the guys every week. And their son Roma is playing computer thew whole day and intrigues sister. Bukins quarrel at least once a day – so they have fun. They have been together for 16 years and still love each other. This is the happiest family in the world.